Konkol, Judge Daniel L. - S 899
Kook, Jordan - S 201
Koopmann, Joshua Otto - S 201
Korolewski, Jamie - S 846
Korsmeyer, Michael J. - S 309
Koster, Brandon G. - S 855
Kraft, Allen - S 164
Krall, Janice - S 76
Krasin, Sara - S 201
Kraut, Bryan B. - S 572
Kreibich, Sue - S 293
Kren, Michael J. - S 164
Kreul, Darrell - S 164
Krick, Leigh Anne - S 201
Krick-Nelson, Elizabeth - S 201
Kroening, Tim - S 855
Krogen's Do-It Best store - S 846
Kroken, Kenneth G. - S 846
Kromm, David - S 572
Krueger, Chad - S 242
Krueger, Jeff - S 293
Krueger, Kim Ellen - S 836
Krueger, Matt - S 892
Krumrai, Dr. Gloria - S 572
Kubly, Billie - S 293
Kuczynski, David - S 846
Kuehl, Maynard - S 785
Kuehn, Michael - S 76
Kugler, Amanda - S 846
Kuntz, Johnathan - S 348
Kuske, Matt - S 738
Kwaterski, Jean - S 293
Laabs, John - S 242
Lafayette County Courthouse - S 293
LaFountain, DuWayne Erwin - S 846
Lakewoods Resort - S 242
LaLor, Chad - S 242, 293
Land O'Lakes Fish and Game Club - S 437
Landry, Ryan J. - S 899
Lange, Jake Joshua - S 201
Larson, Rev. Sue Moline - S 437
Lasee, Jake and Mary - S 55
Lasee, Joseph and Lori Ann - S 55
Lasee, Kari - S 55
Lasee, Max and Elizabeth - S 55
Lasee, Polly - S 55
Laster, Mattie Haze - S 201
Latter Rain Devine F.G. Multi Cultural Ministries - S 892
Lattin, Nichole - S 836
Law enforcement officers throughout Wisconsin - S 846
Lazansky, Nancy - S 846
Le Club - S 76
Lederer, Corky - S 738
Ledin, Lauren - S 164
Lee, Barbara Brown - S 164
Lee, Jim - S 242
Lee, Virginia Rose Laura - S 846
Lee Ira Siegman Photography - S 738
Legacy Bank Board of Directors - S 348
Lehman, Ronald - S 201
Leichtling, Ely - S 293
Leigh, Jacob Sullivan - S 836
Leinenkugel, J. William "Bill" - S 884
Le Mere, Margaret - S 201
Lentz, Brad - S 738
Leppert, Ryan - S 128, 164
Levine, Chuck - S 846
Lewandowski, Katherine - S 738
Lewis, Nathan - S 868
Lewis, Steven Roger - S 293
Lewis-Jiles, Rev. Mary Jean - S 891
Licht, Jane - S 76
Lichte, Don - S 572
Liegeois, Paul - S 847
Liimatta, Joshua Raymond - S 855
Lijewski, Andrew - S 847
Lincicum, Joanna - S 836
Lione, Gail - S 785
Little Chute Fire Department - S 348
Liufau, Daniel - S 348
Liverseed, Seth Steven - S 449
Loasching, William G. - S 855
Loberg, Irene - S 293
Logemann Community Center - S 868
Lohr, Matthew James - S 836
Long, Ian - S 836
Lorge, Elizabeth "Liz" - S 164
Lubetski, Anthony - S 847
Lubotsky, Cheryl and John - S 437